O p e r a t i o n   CHARLIE  BRAVO


All of our programs are entirely free to Veterans. 

Mission Statement 

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Power Point 

Mission Presentation

It all started in this little shed in Cedar Lake, Indiana...




Mission Statement

To lower the suicide rate and prevent homelessness by providing therapeutic, hands-on, in-person programs for Veterans suffering from PTSD / TBI / and/or depression.


Operation Charlie Bravo is committed to helping Veterans find life-changing, impactful solutions to prevent suicide and homelessness. We believe that veteran and military suicide prevention must be a national priority due to the extremely high numbers of veterans committing suicide.

The mission of OCB is to foster dignity as we re-introduce self-worth to our veterans and military personnel who have been physically, mentally, and emotionally damaged by the realities of military service. Through our efforts, we hope to give new life to the men and women who have served our country by reducing the suicide rate and preventing homelessness for our warriors. At OCB, life begins anew when we understand and accept these men and women as they are. We assist them to find and develop their gifts and talents as they embrace and contribute to one another and society.

We have developed regional programs targeted toward veterans and military personnel. Our mission is accomplished through creative near-peer solution-driven activities and other programs that facilitate positive lifestyle changes and growth. Several tailored techniques are utilized to formulate the best outcome per individual. First, assessment tools are used to evaluate the veteran’s overall happiness. The “Plan – Attack – Repeat” method is then used. “Plan” consists of formulating what the veteran would realistically like to accomplish and a wish list of goals for the future. “Attack” involves putting their plan into action with shared resources, community assistance and organizational support from OCB. “Repeat” is a promise to never give up and to return to the planning phase to redevelop their plan when they have failures or setbacks. This process improves coping skills, introduces a refuge for fellowship with other veterans, and encourages the use of ones’ gifts and talents to inspire and motivate a new, positive direction in their lives. By participating in this outlet, OCB yields proud and productive patriots as a result of their increased overall happiness which allows them to once again contribute to our community.


We provide a unique facility that functions as a “veteran playland” for fostering creative growth in a near-peer solution-driven environment through a variety of hands-on distractive therapies for day-to-day problem solving. Using the “Plan – Attack – Repeat” method, goals are set, re-igniting purpose and advancing a sense of accomplishment while discovering new talents and learning new skill sets. Key card access allows veterans to have 24/7 access to the facility. Specific group programs are available on Thursday and Friday nights and all day on Sundays. By partnering with other local resources, organizations, and businesses, we can work together to assist with the varying needs of veterans in our community. 

The following programs are offered to alleviate stressors in veteran lives:

  1. “Hot Rod Therapy” – Motorcycle / automotive / furniture / DIY restoration / project art shop, etc. – Sundays
  2. Blaster Program – A to B transportation solutions (application available 24/7)
  3. Lima Charlie Veteran Peer Support Group – Thursday Nights
  4. The JAM Program – Music therapy – Friday Nights
  5. On Your Feet Program – Financial assistance grants, coaching, job placement, food pantry, and continued education (application available 24/7)
  6. FAT Program – Fitness and Tranquility, health and wellness
  7. Get Lost Outdoor Program – fishing, camping, outdoor adventures
  8. Veteran Service Officer – help with disability claims, resources, and VA assistance
  9. Family Social media groups – networking, resources, veteran crisis communication (available 24/7)
  10. Many other veteran resources available through our network of collaborators and partners


Specific Purpose

The specific objectives and purpose of this organization shall be:

  • to provide instruction on various aspects of DIY (do it yourself) customizing, restoring, refurbishing, fabricating, designing, painting of all aspects of automotive, go karts, motorcycles, furniture restoration, blade smithing, musical instrument repair, etc. along with guidance in financial wellness coaching, fitness and nutrition, transportation solutions, outdoor activities, and near peer mentorship to persons with PTSD and/or TBI and/or Depression.
  • to provide facilities, equipment, trained individuals, safe environment, and family        atmosphere for participants to engage in an escape or distraction from the effects of suffering from PTSD and/or TBI and/or Depression.
  • to provide opportunities for participants to engage in recreational, team building, self-worth, satisfaction of accomplishing something they thought they never could by building something from nothing.
  • to be a “big brother” of sorts to these participants.
  • to prevent and lower suicide rates amongst veterans.
  • To prevent and lower homeless rates amongst veterans.
  • to sponsor, host and/or participate in veteran themed events and activities that promote PTSD and/or TBI and/or Depression.

There are amazing mechanisms in life that can truly put anyone on the path to finding happiness again. At OCB, we would love nothing more than to show someone how to obtain their happiness through creative projects and solutions to common problems veterans face in a like-minded veteran family atmosphere. Completing projects gives a sense of accomplishment, pride in their work, vocational skills that can be used in job placement, and improved self-worth and confidence. Heroes that have been participating in OCB programs over their tenure are given the opportunity to share what they have learned with others just starting any program. Veterans never have to leave our facility after joining. Sharing these newly obtained skills combined with a restored camaraderie gives a fulfilling sense of security and brother/sisterhood, which works to heal the mind and soul in a butterfly effect.


Operation Charlie Bravo was created by the vison of its Founders Jason and Lindsey Zaideman to be a safe space for Veterans. OCB began humbly in their garage with little fanfare.  Today, we are operating in a commercial 13K square foot facility.

OCB found like-minded Veterans who share the vision of helping veterans with PTSD and/or TBI and/or depression.  While the current national headquarters is located in Crown Point, Indiana, we were able to open two new chapters and in the works with several other states in the US and internationally. 

Our vision is to be a veteran fun-land for positive growth in a near-peer environment. We bridge the gap in veteran health services for military veterans seeking assistance by providing hands-on activity-based facilities full of solutions and resources to positively impact veterans lives by helping them improve their overall happiness in an action-packed solution-driven family atmosphere, while preventing suicide and homelessness simultaneously.

This country has lost way too many veterans to PTSD / TBI and Depression. All of us at OCB have lost someone to the aftereffects of defending our country. We would love nothing more than to help our Heroes return to feeling normal again and find a new way home.

On behalf of all of us at Operation Charlie Bravo, we thank you for your time and consideration. No one gets left behind.


Jason Zaideman
Executive Director / Founder

Director of Veteran Services / Veteran Mentor 
US ARMY 12B OJE 96'-00'
Operation Charlie Bravo
A Division of Veteran Impact Services, Inc.

Tour of our facility

EST 2015